Monday 18 April 2011

Two Steps Forward; One Step Back

Having successfully 'gone with the flow' earlier, and accepted that whatever light switch operated the spot in the niche above the loo was FINE, I'm now having another wobble...

I'm sure it's all stress-related [or possibly tiredness-caused-by-stress-related?], but I can't post about #51: Beech Leaf Noyau now, as I've talked myself into going and getting another jar full of beech leaves [and possibly succumbing to the temptation to do the same with oak leaves?], because I think I overfilled the jar and I'm not convinced I should have washed them.

People drink wine, don't they? I've seen how those grapes look before they go in to the vats; trust me, no-one is there washing them and checking there's no bits of leaf!

So I'm going to make another attempt and do a side-by-side comparison later when they're both done.

And try to stress less!

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