Wednesday 20 April 2011

Not alcohol related...


I'm posting about it on this blog, because I don't want to have to tell David if I don't have to [and because it will affect my foraging activities, obviously!]...

Like an idiot, I turned my ankle while I was out eyeing up oak leaves to make an oak leaf infusion. I felt like a twit, but thought nothing more of it.

Carried on as normal, and it only occurred to me about four hours later that my foot was feeling really quite achy. I assumed that it was from standing on my feet most of the day [like the "kill me" sensation of too much shopping], so changed shoes a couple of times whilst doing the washing up and vacuuming.

It was only when I was on the third pair of shoes [pink "mock Crocs" (ShoeZone's £1.99 version of a Croc) in case you are wondering] and couldn't get the left one on that I realised my foot was quite swollen and more painful.

I'm being sensible [now I've realised I've done some damage], and look probably as uncomfortable as I feel with my foot on a chair with an old t-shirt tying a bag of ice to my foot!

Not osteopath-recommended posture, I'm sure, so I'm going to admit defeat and get a quick shower in and then turn in for an early night.

I might have to take up Isabelle on her kind offer to do some shopping for me if it isn't any better in the morning.

I'm doing what I can: Rest, Ice, [can't do Compression because it's already swollen], Elevation and 200c Arnica. If I have an early night, hopefully I will cope with the rigours of tomorrow [plumber, electrician, joiners & maybe a plaquiste or builder to wrangle].

I think this could be a message from my body that I actually do need to do that resting that Guy, Chris, Elida & David keep mentioning!

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