Sunday 17 April 2011

Still finding my feet on Blogger..


I have set up blogs before (and linked them together), but this afternoon it seems to be a challenge beyond me.

That's probably a sign I need my snack [radishes, in case you are interested], so I'm off.

Just a quick note: I'm setting up this blog so that I can post about the various liqueurs I make (some experimental), and hopefully in the future I will be writing about jams & chutneys.

I've already made 48 different variants of liqueur (some in tiny quantities, just to see); an odd hobby for a teetotaller?

Maybe, but my 'country roots' seems to be getting stronger as I get older.

That coupled with being unable to resist the "foraging" opportunities that life in France presents me mean that I'm often occupied with the alchemy of turning damsons into gin!

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