Tuesday 26 April 2011

Doing some prep work

I spent a long time yesterday removing labels from my stash of bottles; I've been collecting pretty or nice-shaped ones to use when I decant my liqueurs, and I'm getting to the stage where I need to bottle some, so this was the first step on the way.

Yukky, backbreaking work, but today's effort is much easier: I've washed 49 various wine, fortified wine, and spirit bottles (plus a few jam jars), and was rinsing them all when I realised I'd emptied the immersion heater of hot water.

I'm just letting it heat up again before finishing the rinsing process, and then I will sterilise a few so I can finally deal with the long-overdue limoncello that's sitting in my cupboard.

If it sounds really bad that I've used up an immersion-heater's worth of hot water, I apologise: we have a small one under the kitchen sink, as the run from the big one in the laundry meant we would have wasted a lot of water just waiting for it to run hot before we even started using any water.

The great thing about a tiny immersion heater is that you get hot water again really quickly.

But in the meantime, I'm using this as an excuse to have another cup of tea!

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