Sunday 17 April 2011

So why aren't I just posting this stuff on "Chez le Baron"?

Well, my beloved husband is an e-mail subscriber to my main blog, and how would I surprise him with my wonderful concoctions if he's already read about them?

[For that you can read: "how would I torture him by making him guess what the flavours are if he already knows"!]

His main guess last season for anything non-plum-family was "Quarante Quatre" (the only non-plum-related one I'd previously made); good try sneaky bloke, but it's not all oranges and coffee beans!

Oddly, he did spot the limoncello, but as I left the peel in too long, the colour has darkened so I need to make some more [and obviously need David to tell me if I've inadvertently ruined the flavour].

As for the "secret gin cupboard bit": that was from the days when I was making gin-based liqueurs but hadn't yet told him, so was hiding them in a cupboard. Now he knows about them, it's not longer a secret cupboard, but it's still a secret what I've got in store!

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