Saturday 21 June 2014

I'm "spitting feathers" mad at myself!

What with various things [that have sucked all the will for life, and blogging, out of me] that I'm not going to go into right now, I seem to have lost touch with my environment somewhat.

I kept seeing one of the trees overhanging our garden coming into flower, and meant to find out what it was...

I knew it wasn't a lime tree, because I have been itching to make a lime flower liqueur, but his morning [just as the flowers are starting to go brown] I finally remembered to get out a "tree book" to look it up.

Yup, lime tree!

I'm so cross with myself right now - it is COVERED in what were absolutely beautiful flowers, and I could have made the lime flower liqueur that I've been plotting for several years; so mad with not-really-me-me.

I haven't been walking [dizziness has been a huge side effect of the pain-relieving medication (Trigeminal Neuralgia - trust me, you don't want to try it), along with crippling nausea, and staying home (unmoving) has seemed a small price to pay], so haven't been passed it to catch the scent - which may have alerted me.

I think it hasn't flowered the other years that we've been here; I certainly can't remember any seeds, and I can for the (boo, hiss) sycamore that also dangles over our little outdoor space.

Oh well, hopefully life will settle down soon, and I can get back to messing with my creations [I have collected a few more ideas along the way].

On the upside, if we treat them as a real "treat" [rather than the staple that I prefer], I am nearly self-sufficient in nasturtium flowers; I'm even letting one or two pods fatten and ripen for future "crops".

AND my tulbaghia ("society garlic") has a flower coming - ooh.

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