Friday 8 November 2013

Sadly, no fruit liqueurs this year

The fruit has all been so tasteless this year (plums, damsons, mirabelles, & sloes) that I decided not to make any liqueurs; it is a massive amount of effort, and if the end result is going to be disappointing [which it has been other times I've used less-than-stellar fruit], and I have wanted to protect my shoulders from the pain that all the bending over causes.

Fingers crossed the liqueurs I made last Christmas/New Year don't fall into the wish-I-hadn't-bothered category...

[Not yet decanted because the problems with my wrist/shoulders and then the wrist surgery/problems with my shoulders have left me barely able to cope with essential gardening on our trips to the house, so "extras" have had to wait.  Maybe my lovely assistant will help when we're next there...?]

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