Friday 14 December 2012

Right, decision made!

OK, I've decided to put off posting about my liqueurs until the new year...

This gives me the chance to update my spreadsheet without feeling as pressured as I am right now [I know it's all self-inflicted stress, but I could still do without it], and (hopefully) I will remember to check those details that aren't clear from where I've written things in my book.

With luck, I will manage to sort out the decanted bottles in France, and have a better idea of what we've got; now the rest of the house [with the exception of the study/spare bedroom which has reverted to that dépôt-vente style storage are that we are so familiar with!] is pretty nearly where we want it.

Also, I may have made the last of the frozen fruit into more works-in-progress by then, too.

Either way, I'm choosing to make my life a bit easier, with the expectation that I will enjoy updating this blog more when I do get around to it, so this is it for this year - Merry Christmas, and a Happy 2013!

Thursday 13 December 2012

I've got into a complete pickle!

I've been through all my photos, looking for ones where I'm making or decanting the liqueurs, or we're tasting them...

And it's been so long since I've posted to this blog, I read over what I've already posted - it's a complete mess, isn't it?!?

I think I'm going to set up a spreadsheet with all my notes from my book [it's all in chronological order, so a liqueur appears several times (especially if we've adjusted sugar/taste) by the time it's been decanted; and on a different page if we've done a "tasting"], and going forward I'm going to post where we are with "historical" batches of liqueur [over time!], and then try to keep up with newly-made batches.

Fingers crossed I can get some sort of order, without too much duplication.  Either way, hopefully I'll post some updates in the not-too-distant future.

But I suspect it's going to take several days...

Keep your fingers crossed for me!